Thursday, July 29, 2010

What is the perfect time to intercourse with husband to conceive pregnancy?

I want to get pregnant but I don't know the exact timings of successful intercourseWhat is the perfect time to intercourse with husband to conceive pregnancy?
12-14 days after the first day of your cycle!!! You may also want to try it will give you exact dates. good luck!!!What is the perfect time to intercourse with husband to conceive pregnancy?
Two weeks before you're expecting your period. Or be smart and just try nearly every day or about every 3rd since sperm can live inside a woman for up to 72hours : ) Good luck!
Just do it every other day to ensure there is a constant supply of sperm waiting for the egg to be released. Visit, they have a lot of useful tips and an ovulation calculator! Good luck :)
OK, I am going through infertility treatments now, And have many times before (I have 2 kids, but 3 pregnancies)

I am also a nursing major.

You want to start counting from the first day of your period...

day 1 is the first day of bleeding, not spotting. ACTUAL BLEEDING.

In a 28 day cycle... meaning the number of days between day 1 to day 1 of your next cycle. ( to get an accurate number you would actually have to wait for that 2nd period to figure, unless you are very regular

In a 28 day cycle most women will ovulate around day 14.

but if you have sex AFTER you ovulate it will be too late, the sperm should already be there BEOFRE you ovulate.

The sprem can survive in your boday for about 24-48 hours.

Once ovulated the egg will only live for 24 hours unless fertilized.

You should have sex every other day ,BUT between day 11 and day 16 you should have sex EVERYDAY, but no more than that.

Even in men with very high sperm count having sex more than once a day can lower your sperm count temporarilly.

so if you have sex 2-3 times in one day, he may not have enough the next day : (

Hope this helps!

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