Musha allah, he is great with kids, he is a great teacher, he is known and loved through out the city but when he is home and no matter if he came from work or a friends house, he is almost always mad at me. I know I should pray about it but what else can I do? Allah frowns on Devorce so I don't want one.What should I do about my badly tempered husband?
wait until goes to sleep and then POW! right in the kisserWhat should I do about my badly tempered husband?
Point out your husband's behavior to him, and tell him how it makes you feel. Tell him it makes you feel loved and cherished when he is kind. But it makes you feel frightened and unworthy when he takes anger out on you. Tell him you want to create a peaceful environment at home, so it is relaxing to both of you, but it's much harder when he is always angry.
Aren't must of us like that?? We always hurt the people that loves us the most.
I would speak with him in a very nice way about the damage he is causing you; hopefully he can change his ways before is too late...You may have the intention to stay with him forever and I respect you for that, but him having your love forever may not be the case
Is Allah okay with marriage counselling? Maybe your husband just has some issues he needs to talk about so he can get the mad out. There's always Anger Management which is supposed to be a great program.
alsalam alaykum sister....
i'd suggest talk to ur husband..tell what u feel and just talk it over
very calmly..if that doesnt help then talk to the iman..
hope everything works out sister...alsalam alaykum!
Best speak to Allah then.
Allah doesn't have to live in misery like that either
Then you just live with it.
I am all for Dr. Dekay's remedy
go to the Iman
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