He would be sick and it would be very painful, swollen and such.
To be sure, go find a black widow and make her bight him right next to the other spot. That way you can compare the bight marks and feel how painful it is.
If they don't match up, then no problem, it wasn't a black widow.My husband thinks he may have been bitten by a black widow spider. How can we be sure?
Black widow spiders don't usually build their webs in open spots. They tend to prefer more out of the way places, under ledges and such. Only the females are potentially harmful, by the way. Males and juveniles are not. Even if it was a female, they quite often don't inject venom when they bite in defense. And the bites are seldom fatal. It's been about 10 years since anyone in the US died from a bite from a Black Widow. If he were going to have problems, he'd have already had them start. Since he's a full grown male, in good health and in the prime of life, it's not likely to happen. Ideally, when you think you have been bitten, you would kill or trap the culprit and bring it along to the ER for identification. Descriptions of a spider are not usually helpful, because quite frankly a lot of spiders look alike unless you are an expert. For now, wash the bite with soap and water and just keep an eye on him. As long as he's not having a problem with a local reaction, he should be just fine.
If he were crawling on hands and knees, yes, it could be a widow.
Presuming he was walking, many orb weavers would be at this height.
Widows are usually low to the ground or surface.
Feeling a prominent pinch or bite is good news also.
Widows are only out at night,(as are many orb weavers)
widow bites, although noticeable, seldom inflict any initial pain.
After an hour or two, a prominent bite is visible along with swelling
and a noticeable pain. after 12 hours it becomes very painful, swollen,
and a sore will develop at the site.
A common bite like that of an orb weaver, will likely be no worse
than an itchy welt for a day or two.
Ice will relieve swelling and itch, and if this worsens after 12 hours,
perhaps a visit to a clinic is in order.
Watch for systemic reactions like sweating, nausea, cramps, and
respiratory stress. seek medical attention should these(any)
Observe for pain at the site,swelling,discoloration,altered sensation (pins and needles/numbness)
Watch for nausea,vomiting and changes to level of consciousness including headache,blurred or double vision,muscle weakness and breathing difficulty.
Apply cold treatment(ice pack @ 10 min intervals)
Elevate limb (a slling may be needed)
Seek medical advice.
if it swells up then he might of got bit by a spider go to the doctors to see if he is dizzy or anything i would check with a doctor though
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