Will the wife of a marine killed in combat get $250,000.00 from the military ? I've heard this and find it hard to believe, also, if a soldier has a child but is not married to its mother, could the child recieve insurance through the military if he is legally the father ?What benefits will a wife get for a husband killed in combat?
Mrs.Bratt is correct. SGLI is 400K and not nearly enough to replace him. Whomever is named the beneficiary gets the claim, like civilian life insurance.What benefits will a wife get for a husband killed in combat?
The wife will get his SGLI which is up to $400,000. If the Marine is not married the money will go to whoever he has listed as the beneficiary or a trustee for the dependent(s).
you sign up for insurance
there are pension, medical and commisary privalege benifits also I beleive unless the dems scrapped them
its 400k for their life insurance ....and yes if a soldier has a child they get health and dental insurance as well as commisarry and exchange priveleges even if parents arent married......as far as who gets the 400k the servicemember decides this so its not always the spouse
It was 250,000 seven years ago. But now it is 400,000. The person who receives this money is whoever the military person left the money to.
I have mine set up so that my wife gets 250,000 and each of my kids gets 50,000 each. This way she can pay off the house and survive for a little while without worrying, and the kids will have money for college so they and my wife do not have to worry about that either.
It depends if he has SGLI or not and who the beneficiary is. If it is proven he is the father yes the child will have benefits etc.
being called a hero's widow
I do believe you get insurrance, Because, It is your Son.
so can i have it to where my greedy wife get nothing when i die and set my mom as the person to get everything.
Actually, the maximum amount for Servicemen's Group Life Insurance (SGLI) is now $400,000.00 for the beneficiary named on the policy. That $400,000.00 is awarded to the beneficiary named on the policy regardless of how the military member dies. Everyone automatically gets signed up for $400,000.00 worth of coverage unless he/she goes to the Personnel Office and changes it.
The military member can name whoever he/she wants as the beneficiary to the policy, so it is possible for the soldier to name a son or daughter, even if the military member is not married to the mother. The important thing is the money can only be given to a beneficiary named on the policy. It's not like it is with wills (in most states if a husband dies and has no will everything goes to the wife, or to the children if the wife predeceases the husband). So it's VERY important for the military member to check on that SGLI every once in a while and make sure he/she has the person he/she wants named as the beneficiary. There have been cases where military members have divorced and re-married, but the military member didn't change the SGLI beneficiary. So the ex-wife got everything and the new wife got nothing. And there is NOTHING the military can do about it. Sucks, right?
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